Create account

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All users must be joined our Discord server and is required to have the same username on all platforms for registeration.

It is recommended to use a unique password that you are not using on any other website.
Real name is optional. If provided, it may be used to give you attribution for your work.
What is the name of the kinfolk that looks like a scarecrow

Short Explaination of Account Requirements:

Requirement 1

The Wiki is community driven and 100% backed by Kindred Fates staff. Staff can only support what is related to Kindred Fates content & Wiki management.

Requirement 2

If you make an account that mismatches with our Discord server and/or doesn't exist in the Discord server, the Wiki staff have permission to block your account.

Requirement 3

The rules on the Wiki are the same as rules in the Kindred Fates Discord server. We recommend to have a strongly protecting password here.

Requirement 4

Please apply to this form: to get editor permissions before you make an account on this Wiki.