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Ability Bounce.png
The user springs toward whichever direction they are aiming, dealing damage to any entity they strike. The longer the activation key is held down, the further the user will travel.
Ability Details
Playstyle Type Air
Attack Category Physical Attack
Targeting Single Target
Damage 30
Cooldown 4
Lifetime 1 Seconds
Range 30
In Alpha? Yes
Basic ability? No
Available? Yes
Version introduced Alpha 1.01

Bounce is an Air type Active Ability.


Bounce is a charge ability that let's the user quickly move in the direction they are aiming, including into the air. The more it's charged, the further they will be able to move. The user damages any entity they collide with.

Kinfolk with This Ability


Update history

  • Alpha 2.2
    • Physical damage increased from 20 to 30.
  • Alpha 2.1
    • Improvements have been made to the ability so it is more usable from the ground.
    • Players can now aim lower while using Bounce and not stop on the ground prematurely.
  • Alpha 1.09
    • End lag reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second.
  • Alpha 1.08
    • Reduced damage from 40 to 20.
  • Alpha 1.01
    • Introduced.