Skymill Studios
"Skymill Studios is a small but immensely passionate team based in Columbus Ohio. The team consists of 4 full time developers, two writers and 16 multi-media artists from all over the world. While Kindred Fates is Skymill's first game as a team, they're no strangers to the industry. Previous titles their team members have helped to create include Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy XIV, Gravity Rush, Gravity 2, League of Legends, Wildstar, and the Frank Mill Film, 300. The team was formed around the dream of creating a game that would push the monster battle genre forward, and be the open-world monster-catching game fans have wanted for so long."
— Skymill Studios official website.
Disclaimer: The content on this page is provided directly from Skymill Studios. As such, the information may quickly become outdated.
The team list below was last reviewed August 2021.
The Team
- Creator, Game Designer, Writer & Soundtrack Co-Composer
- Creator, Writer & Terrain Sculpter
- Creator, Community Manager, & QA Tester
- Developer & Business Advisor
Sheila Wallace
- Developer
Joey Mayer
- Developer
Drew Van Anne
- Developer
Alex Wallace
- Scrum Master, QA Tester & Kinfolk Concept Artist
Rob Cravens Sr.
- QA Tester
Leopoldo Spagna
- Kinfolk Concept Artist
Dann Paulo
- Kinfolk Concept Artist
Matt Arazzomattia
- Kinfolk Concept Artist
Erik Taberman
- Environment & Set Piece Concept Artist
Timothy Kaminski
- Environment & Set Piece Concept Artist
Devinelle Kurtz
- Environment & Set Piece Concept Artist
Takeshi Oga
- Environment & Set Piece Concept Artist
Abdul Bello
- UI Artist
Simon Telezhkin
- Character Modeler
Kayla Kosik
- Environment and Set Piece Modeler
Mykie Yatco
- Animator
Dillon Guscott
- Animator
Chris Brindzik
- Animator
Jasmine Cooper
- Soundtrack Co-Composer
- SFX Composer
Jess Willmore
- Emblem Artist